How to Make Money Blogging ( 2023)

How to Make Money Blogging in 2023

how to make money blogging

In generic advice given by Blogger to “How to Make Money Blogging” like write about passione ,write about something you know better than others, write great content etc.

In my view this gereric advice

Nothing wrong with this generic advice , after work for a few years getting good website traffic ,Now you have to monetize your Blog with add some Affiliate program (link), approve Google AdSense, Online Courses or selling some digital products.

Most blogging advice is not harmful but this will work in the long run.

To make money Blogging as fast as possible, we need to start thinking like business men and develop a system like business , not a hobby.

Today you need to write good content, not quintity but Quality .

Think like a business owner, not habby blogger so creating systems to scale your blog at startup speed.

How to make money Blogging in (2023)

Before anything else, you need to learn  How to Start a Blog . The first step is getting web hosting and a domain name. I recommand Bluehost as it’s #1 recommended host by WordPress and has more than enough  features to do everything outlined in this guide.

In this article, I would  discusses Affiliate Program, Online courses, or advertising or so on . Also on discusses how to make money in Blogging in  this year (2023).

What are the ways bloggers make money (Various Income streams)

There are various methods that you can use to monetize your blog. Depending upon your level of blogging and the kind of blog, you could pick the method that matches your style. Do check the end of this article to get the answers to many important questions asked by bloggers like you.

  1. Ads networks
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3.  Books and Ebooks
  4. Sell Online Courses
  5. Sell Private Ads

1.Ads networks

add banner

After getting a decent audience on your site, now it’s time to monetize a blog and the simplest and most widely used method is joining ad networks.

The two Ad networks which are most popular are:


Your Blog needs to get approval on these ad networks. These ad networks will show ads automatically on your blog based on user’s interest and based on the topic of your blog’s post.

Most of bloggers used these methods to monetize it because it gives recurring income.  Since the ads shown are fo high quality, they don’t affect the user experienc .

2. Affiliate Marketing

If you’d like to create some passive income streams from your blog, one of the best choices is affiliate marketing — recommending the services, digital products, and physical products of other companies in exchange for a commission.

If you want to monetize your Blog and create some passive income source, for bloggers ‘s best choices is affiliate marketing- recommending the services, digital products and also physical products of others companies in exchange for a commission

Best part of Affiliate marketing is, you can use this technique on any blogging platform.

You simply need to share your unique affiliate link of the product you are recommending. When some of your users click that link and make a purchase , now you will get a commission of the sale amount. Commission amount will depend on your product which you are recommending.

3. Books and Ebooks

books and ebooks

Selling Books and EBooks is the best business model of most bloggers. They sell their own products such as EBooks and Books.

First you need to pick a demanding topic, compile an EBook and Books on that topic, and put it on sale on blog or on Amazon . after you used this process, you can earn a decent amount of money by selling Ebooks and Books.

Selling own product is the best thing that you can do to generate passive income for blogging.

4. Sell Online Courses

Selling an online course is another great way to make money in Blogging.

online Courses usually sell for a much higher price point than ebooks.

Charges depend on your expertise on that subjuct.

How can I sell online courses ?

1.Convert your textbook into an audio-video format.

2.Add the checklist, downloadable templates .

3.Create 1-2 hours video cources .

You’ll need to create the lessons for your course, plus any supporting materials that you want to include such as downloads, pdf, slides, checklists, templates, etc.

You will also need to decide whether you want to offer personalized support for your course. Some sites create many categories like : a basic version without support, and a premium version with email support.

5. Sell Private Ads

It isn’t necessary  to work with advertising networks for selling ads on your blog. Once  you are getting enough traffic on your blog, advertisers may come directly to you and ask you to place their ads on your Blog.

You can also run ads campaigns on your site or contact advertisers yourself. Now you are thinking what is the difference between advertising networks and above mentioned option there is no middle man, thus you can set your own ad selling price.

Selling private ads can come in various forms like banners, ad buttons, or links.

You can make money through paid sponsored posts where you write about or give a review of an advertiser’s product or service. You also write posts or series. In which you can write about a given topic but the advertiser pays for a sponsored ad or “Brought to you by” mention in the content.

The ways you make money with this can vary. For example, you might charge a one-time fee for a link within a post. If you are hosting banner ads, you might charge your partner monthly.


Things that matter for your Blog “How to Make Money Blogging”

Some mental block About Making Momey From Blogging

Everyone thinks differently about making money online. Commanly, you’ll see one person doing one thing that works really well for them but does not work for the some things another person and someone else doing something completely differernt that works well.

Naturally, this can create some myths in our mind.

Myth 1: For Making Money from Blogging ” You need a Ton of Traffic’

Unfortunately, this is probably the biggest Myth or hype created on Web world.

You will see many people set up a blog or site and don’t thing for “how to monetize their blog” for the first half yerar or full year because they thing they need tons to traiffic for making money in Blogging. This is ture that a ton of traffic will benefit your blog.

This plan works for monetize your blog through ads then web traffic will matter for you.

If your target audience different you don’t need lots of traffic for you. If you are selling an online course, then only some hundresds of daily traffic will work for your blog.

Myth 2: Only Experts Make Money Selling Products

You or everybody thinks that only experts make money selling products.

I think this isn’t totally true, everybody has some knowledge to share.

You have to first started without any fear. Once you have used to, you’ll be surprised how much you have ideas in your brain when you start to plan things out.

In starting point, you shouldn’t ever think about creating something big. You have to focus step by step on smaller ideas and somthing different to others.

Choose your Blog’s Niche

over 90%+ Blogger fail, why they fail,

Please keep in mind that most Blogger fail, because a common myth is that they are not passionate about their blog.

I think this is not true, the real reason Blogger fail is the same reason that any business is not successful because it is not profitable.

If your Blog does not give you some profite , it is very difficult to continue your blog.

Most Bloggers are not successful because they are not successful in transforming your Blog into Business.

So they choose a non – money making Niche targeting a low-value audience. And they don’t have  enough market demand .

First things keep in mind that in order to make money from your blog, you will need people to buy your product or advertiser to pay money for your ad space.

A very important thing I learned is that you need to make sure people will come to your blog.


You should make sure that you are not writing for yourself but you are writing to help your target audience to solve their problems.

No one cares about your personal struggles but your audience simply wants to read about how they solve their personal problems.

Someone who comes from a Blog or website is solving a problem they have faced, and they can get something in return for giving you their time.

As a Blogger, you should first understand your audience’s problems so that you can offer the simple or most effective in demand-solution.

 Target audience Budget capacity.

To promote a product on your blog, you have simply need to solve a pain point for your target audience.

That’s obvious.

We should understand your audience generally faces problems so that you can offer the most up-to-date solution.

What is the #1 most important factor when choosing your Blog’s Niche ?

How much your target audience is willing to spend.

So in this example, let’s say you’re planning to start a blog in the online courses niche.

In this topic you get different type triffic. Your reader could be professional, Students, or house wifes so on. And they want to utilize your spare time.

To make money from this niche, you should create a New blog and move your readers down the sales funnel.

  • You’d create content to attract an audience.
  • Then you’d build out a Online courses  “Freebie” to get email opt-ins
  • Next, you could use affiliate marketing to promote Online cources
  • Finally, you would offer your email subscribers a $100 Online course

Is that anything wrong in that approach, most Bloggers choose this old style approach. In this approach you have made money after some year when you get decent web traffic.

Now it had a catch point.

Is your target audience  profitable ? a student ,house-wifes, ideal person and this type of person ?

Now you have to change just one word in your Blog’s niche, you have the possibility to increase your blog’s income.

And what will change “online courses” to “professional online courses” niche.

 Influence your Professional strength to Choose Your Blog’s Niche.

how can influence your Professional strength to choose Your Blog’ Niche 

Ask for yourself:

What is your professional experience for Blog’s Niche ?

Are there any connections you have in your current industry ?

Can you influence people to turn your professional  experience into a profitable blog ?

Why does someone take me seriously after you request to guest post to any website , whereas you have just started ?

If you are a chef, musician or anyone , you might build up loyal customers or fan followers and contacts regularly or social sites and any medium. Now, you can influence these contacts in the future to speed up the growth of your Blog ?

For any Blog or website, you first need to build influence and build up authority to make a successful website. And how to get them, you have to do hard work to influence your connections, professional experience, and everything you can do .

3.  Niche that have Market Demand.

What is your first task before building a blog? You need to do some research for your niche and you see people will search for the topics , after that you have to write it. And this type of niche is monetizable.

when researching your blog’s market demand, shoot for topics that have keywords with:

  • minimum 2,000+ monthly searches
  • A keyword difficulty score under 50
  • The first page of Google has at least one site with a DR under 50
  • A SERP position history that has changed regurally.

You have to focus less on writing and more on keyword research . Every single blog post needs to target one keyword or two keywords .

Make sure to choose your niche based on audience budget capability , professional leverage, and market demand

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