The Best Blogging platform in 2023

 The Best Blogging Platform in 2023

choose best blogging platform

Write now Blogs not only writing your thoughts to the world, But it becomes one of the best business ideas to earn passive income through blogs but first you have to choose best blogging platform.

Whether you’re individual bloggers or business men , everybody wants to choose the best blogging platform to reach your target audience.

You know blogs are an excellent way to drive traffic to your website, build website authority.

To start a blog, you need to learn how to start a blog. Today plenty of free and paid version tools are available in the market, depending on what you want to do with your blog.

With the growth of new blogging platform concepts, content management systems (CMS).

These platforms provide facilities to choose their web hosting and set up their blogs with very little technical knowledge or coding experience.

What is a Blogging Platform?

A blogging platform is a collection of software or active online service, it allows us to create and publish our content on the internet. After that anyone can look up and read your content with use of  active internet connection.

A blogging platform is very much similar to a Content management system (CMS) that allows us to manage and keep track of your content online.

WordPress also started as a Content Management System (CMS). Now it has become the world’s biggest blogging platform powering around +30% of the internet.

Nowadays, blogging platforms give us full control to How are the design of your site ?

Look to WordPress, here you can use tons of free or paid WordPress themes to control the layout and design of your website.

Without any knowledge of any technical background or no need to hire any web developer.

The different types of blogging platforms

There are several different types of blogging platforms.

And depend on you which one is right and what you want to do with your blog.

Free blogging platforms

Those interested in personal or hobby blogging, free blogging platforms are perfect for them. Free blogging platforms are the easiest way to write and publish content online quickly.

However, free blogging platforms don’t allow you to make money with your blog. You can’t make money with ads, use affiliate marketing, or any type of sell’s activity.

Furthermore, they’re very limited in design flexibility and customization capabilities.

You may even be stuck with random ads placed on your blog. And migrating your content from a free platform to another isn’t an easy process.

In the end, they’re not suitable for business bloggers or anyone interested in making money blogging at any point in the future.

Website builders

Website builders are all-inclusive, drag-and-drop design tools that give freedom to quickly build an entire website without knowledge of any code. They’re easy to set up, simple to use, and include a full suite of blogging tools.

But , they’re not free. Web hosting is added with your subscription, which is nice, and many of its plans  offer a free custom domain name for the first year.

Without any doubt, they offer a significant level of flexibility and customization compared to free blogging platforms.

This is a great place to start if you want to make money.

Open-source blogging platforms

Just like other Open-source packages, they  are free to download and install.  And the best part of any-source platform, they’re completely customizable from the inside out, making them perfect for serious bloggers and business owners interested in building a full-fledged custom website.

But they aren’t as easy or simple compared to other blogging platforms.

But once you are used to this, you’ll realize how flexible and customizable this type of blogging platform actually. On this type platform you are capable of creating e-commerce stores, personal-business websites, portfolios, service-based websites, dynamic website blogs and lots more.

With that said, you have to buy web hosting before you can install an open-source software.

The good news is that most web hosts service providers make this type of software easy to install with one-click installation.

What Are the Best Blogging Platforms?

Here are my top picks for the best blogging platforms:

WordPress.Org –The best open-source blogging platform. site

Today undoubtedly, blogging platform is one of most popular blogging platforms and share of blogging world around 39% percent websites. This is an open source blogging platform that allows their to build a blog or website within a few minutes.

Key Features:

  • Flexibility: In terms of flexibility WordPres offers full control to create any type of website. E-commerce, new websites, a magazine, a business website, a travel blog, a government website what type you want.
  • Website themes: WordPress platform offers thousands of themes that are both type free or paid. With these themes users can make the website beautiful or user friendly.
  • Publishing Tools: WordPress’s Content management is super easy on WordPress sites on your point of view. Users can easily save drafts, schedule posts, format your blog posts, and check out post revisions. Its user-friendly interface gives full control to it’s  users to make the content public or private, and make posts and pages secure with passwords.
  • Media Management: WordPress offers capabilities to easily and quickly upload images, videos, PDFs, and GIFs through its simple drag and drop feature. Users can also easily upload alt text, captions, and insert pictures or galleries in posts. There are also several image editing tools to enhance images while uploading.
  • Plugins: WordPress’s plugin directory offers thousands of plugin extensions to add social networking, forums, complex galleries, calendars, fine-tune controls for search engine optimization, social media widgets, spam protection, and forms.


  • Create a beautiful and functional blog using thousands of free themes and over 54,000 free plugins.
  • WordPress allows you to build SEO friendly URLs, tags, and categories for the posts.
  • It has a healthy repository of reliable and responsive themes that work efficiently on both desktops and smartphones.
  • The availability of open code helps developers in saving a lot of time and resources.
  • Make changes to the website from anywhere in the world through an internet-enabled computer.
  • Its RSS feed feature allows bloggers to get the most value out of backlinking.
  • Its WooCommerce plugin makes it an efficient alternative for eCommerce websites.
  • WordPress allows users to make frequent updates to the content easily.


  • Because of  open-source platform, it is a prime target of hackers.
  • Several themes require a lot of coding that could impact the speed of the website.
  • More Customization of WordPress websites could get expensive.


Pricing for WordPress is dependent on which web hosting service you choose to go with.

Additionally, if you want more advanced features, then you’d have to pay extra for extra plugins, your own domain name, WordPress theme, etc.

 Squarespace- The best blogging platform for visual-based businesses.

Squarespace website

In terms of the best website builders on the market Squarespace is a big name. It has powered millions of websites.

With powerful website builders, users can create mind blowing  websites for just use of drag and drop facility, which are aesthetically pleasing templates, making it perfect for visual-based businesses like photography, designers, and artists.

Key Features:

  • Blogging Feature: Squarespace is an excellent option for bloggers. It offers unique commenting features, AMP support, multi-author functionality, and post scheduling feature, among others.
  • Customer Support: The blogging platform offers robust customer support through its 24/7 Live Chat feature. They often take screencast recordings to provide more detailed solutions and answers.
  • Mobile App: Users can easily edit and customize all aspects of their blogging site through Squarespace’s mobile applications on the go. This feature is not present in all the blogging platforms.
  • Design: It offers more than 100 advanced themes, robustly optimized for smartphones and tablets. Users can leverage the Site Styles menu to customize templates at advanced levels.


  • Unlike Wix, users can switch to different templates even after going live.
  • It offers mobile-friendly templates and builder.
  • Squarespace offers a high level of control and customization through its building blocks feature.
  • Widgets are customizable and can be moved or resized as per the requirement.
  • It also supports third-party widgets for more customization, which is a rare feature in a blogging platform.
  • You can easily swap the template without affecting the content of the website.


  • There is no auto-save option in the editor.
  • Massive templates decrease the website’s load time.


Squarespace offers four pricing plans:

  • Personal Plan: $12
  • Business Plan: $18
  • Basic Commerce: $26 per month
  • Advanced Commerce: $40

Wix –The best drag-and-drop blogging platform

wix best blogging platform

Wix provides a more premium user experience to users. It is excellent for budding bloggers to create a full-fledged website with a Blog. The most interesting feature drag and drop builder creates engaging blog content within a few minutes.

Wix gives everything to you to make money with your new blog.

Probably it became the easiest and fastest way to get a business website and blog running. To take advantage of their ADI (advanced design intelligence ) feature, with this you can create everything just matter of minutes.

You can also take advantage of their ADI (advanced design intelligence) tool, which creates everything you need to get started in a matter of minutes.

Simply answer a few questions, customize the design, add your website copy, update your images, and you’re ready to start blogging.

Key Features:

  • Lighting Speed: in terms of speed of Blogs, Wix gives lighting-fast speed because by default it optimizes their website to ensure loading speed is not compromised.
  •  Huge range of Template Collection: Users can easily leverage its massive collection of templates to build the website within minutes.
  • Drag and Drop: Bloggers can leverage its drag feature that is easy to use. You can easily customize through drag and drop.
  • Mobile editor:  It also offers a mobile editor through which you can make changes through your smartphone anywhere in the world.
  • Built-In SEO friendly: It allows users to fill in keyword tags, metadata, and customize URLs to make blog posts more SEO friendly. best blogging platform

Normally everyone is confused about and This is also built by the co-founder of to offer essential features to people who want to start their first blog.

Key Features:

  • Essential Features: The free version gets all of the new features, including 3 GB of space and automatic updates or backups.
  • User Interface: It offers a very user-friendly  interface through which users can create a personal blog instantly.
  • Easy Maintenance: Users don’t need to worry about security updates or periodic backup to keep the website safe from hackers.
  • Easy Setup: It offers an effortless setup. All you need to do is create an account and give the URL a unique name.


  • It offers a host of free themes and plugins through which you can customize the web pages of your website.
  • You can add multiple pages as per the requirement.
  • The WordPress blog is SEO friendly and can and up in search engines.
  • A beginner can implement the features after a few minutes of reading.
  • It offers highly responsive themes that are compatible with multiple platforms, including mobile, desktop, and tablets.


  • WordPress may display ads on your page without your permission.
  • You can’t monetize your web pages by integrating ads with AdSense.
  • Users need to get a paid plan to have custom domains and subdomains.


If simplicity is key when launching your own website, you can do it with the free platform. For more advanced features, you’d have to pay for their premium plans.

Blogger : The best for personal blogs

blogger best blogging platform .com

Actually is one the very original blogging platform. It’s been around since 1999. You know it completely free of cost with no other plans on

If you have a Google, you can easily set up a blog without any coding knowledge or technical expertise. If you are looking for a personal or hobby blogging to share their thoughts and ideas with the world, then go ahead with Blogger.

Key Features:

  • Option for Ads: Unlike, Blogger offers a choice to its users to opt-in or opt-out for ads on web pages. Hence, users get the option to keep their blog ad-free.
  • Simple User friendly Interface: Blogger offers a straightforward simple user interface through which users can set up the account within a few minutes. Gmail users can directly set up the account from their existing Gmail account.
  • Maintenance free : itself covers all the maintenance work of a website, including security, speed, and other hosting issues of the website.
  • Robust Google Integration: Blogger is the part of the Google ecosystem which means you can easily export your data through takeout.


  • Blogger offers hosting services bundled with the blogging platform.
  • Ensures that your website is fast and runs securely.
  • It has several forums where employees and other users engage in sorting out Blogger related issues.
  • It allows users to monetize web pages through easy integration with Google ads.
  • It supports RSS, default comments and latest comments.
  • You can have up to 100 blogs per account.


  • lack customization options with fewer templates and low-quality third party templates.
  • It doesn’t offer any customer support. Users have to depend on relying on forums.
  • Design is too old school and simple.


It is entirely free of cost and doesn’t even offer any paid plans.

What are Essential features for  Selecting the Best Blogging Platform?

When deciding on a blogging platform, there are some set criteria it should meet. Here are the top  requirements to look for when making your choice.

Easy Setup for Your Blog Site.

Most bloggers and writers don’t come from any technical background. so , these bloggers’ platforms need to provide a simple and easy setup that anyone can perform within a few minutes.

The platform should involve the very little amount of coding to ensure anyone can learn the entire process efficiently and implement the setup.

And if you come from a coding background, then you don’t need to worry about any requirement of coding during setup.

Cost-effective  Blog Platform.

What is your purpose for bloggers ?

If you are just a hobby or to fulfill a passion, then you should go to free blogging platforms like and Blogger. These platforms give all essential features to serve your purpose free of cost.

However , if you want to make money with blogging, then it would be ideal to have a self-hosted blog with a custom domain name and some paid features.

Therefore, think about your blog’s purpose first and then decide whether it’s feasible to spend money on a platform or not.

Strong Community & Customer Support.

If you are going to a free blogging platform, most of them don’t give any dedicated customer support. In terms of support, many paid platforms come with just chat support, that are sometimes insufficient for help.

In this instance, having a strong community of bloggers and people with technical skills, they can help to answer your every question.

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