11 Best Ways to Make Money with Website

11 Best way to Make Money with Website (2021)

Is making money with website is a myth. Not at all anyone can do this.

In fact – turning a part-time, hobby blog or website into a passive income-generating asset is fairly common right now with a bit of luck and good hard work.

First at least, you should be able to make enough to cover your basic expenses for domain and hosting. After that you might even be able to earn more than current income .

Don’t forget that the strategies listed below range from easy and passive, to the ones which require a good amount of tariff in your website.

Let’s start with the ten most popular and predictable site monetization tips.

If you want to create a website that you plan to monetize, here you can use this step by step guide to create your own website at lowest cost.

11 Most Common Ways to Make Money with Your Website

Making money from your website isn’t easy. These ten tips are probably your best bet to get started.

1. Affiliate Marketing (.. and Affiliate Links)

Right now, Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money with website or blog, Please keep in mind that it is not quickest.

There are many great reasons why affiliate marketing has gained popularity and why it is a win-win situation for both sellers and affiliate partners.

How affiliate marketing works ?

In simple words,if you promote your chosen products well and your audience trusts you and they should be interested in purchasing your promoted product. Your visitors on your website, they can click on your direct affiliate link and buy the product that they are interested in.

For this reason, the original seller will pay you a commission for your sale.
The commission rates can vary because it depends on the product. Normally it is between 4% -30% of the product price.

The commission might be anywhere from 30% of the product or service price, up to as high as 70%.

For example, if the split is 50% and you promote an e-book that costs $100, you’ll get $50 for simply
referring the buyer. Pretty sweet deal, huh?!

2. “Pay Per Click” Advertising (Google Adsense)

Ad Words are the advertisements that show up on the top of Google search result pages.

AdSense is the reverse, allowing publishers to tap into Google’s immense advertising network so that other advertisers can run ads on their website.

The best part about this system is how simple everything is.

Once you sign up, Google will place a simple code on your website that will identify the content of your site and start displaying relevant advertisements.

For example, if your site is about pets (dogs & cats), Google AdSense will start showing your visitors ads for cat food, dog training, and more.

You get paid each time someone clicks on the ad. (Yes, it’s really that easy!)

Your cut might be anywhere from $0.50 to $5 per click. When your site has enough traffic, you can make hundreds (if not thousands of dollars) each month.

3.Use Skimlinks

Skimlinks are just like affiliate networks , it does also allow you to earn a commission on purchases made through links on your website.

The main difference is that, as well as allowing you to create personal affiliate links as and when you like. Skimlinks can also be installed on your website to automatically monetize your content.

Now you link to a merchant product in your content that are also part of the Skim links networks, here Skim links will automatically convert your link into an affiliate link !

Similarly, you’ll  get paid if  your visitor makes a purchase via your link, and commissions vary from 2%-10%.

4 .Make money with website- Add banner adverts

add banner

Setup network advertising using Google Adsense or Media.net on your website is the easiest way to make money by just copying and pasting code into your site to create adverts that are relevant to a visitor’s recent internet search.

On the internet many popular services for bloggers monetizing their content. Taboola is a growing service for bloggers monetizing their content with displaying relevant articles rather than banners form advertisers on their network.

Now you want to know  how they will pay you ?

Most networks will pay you every time a visitor clicks on an advert ( CPC or, cost per click) plan or per 1,000 impressions( cost per impression, or CPM).

You might see it as $5 CPM. If the website gets 100,000 visits a month, that ad price translates into $500 bucks.

You can also sell banner ads directly to interested companies with a relevant product/service. Selling directly your ads space can be much more profitable as compared to joining  a network agency.

5.Publish sponsored posts

When you’ve done the hard work to build steady traffic to your website with the following community, there are many different ways to monetize your hard work.

For example, now many companies want to promote your product with different ways to look for blogs that will feature their sponsored content.

You can also review the products from a company in an ‘advertorial’ that’s part content, part advertisement.

Be careful here because,

When done right, this can create a win/win scenario. However – done poorly, with irrelevant or inauthentic site content. It can erode all of the reader’s goodwill you’ve worked so hard to create in the first place.

Sponsored posts, sometimes known as advertorials, are adverts in the form of an article, usually containing the advertiser’s website link.
An advertiser may send you the article, but if you can write the content for them, you’ll be quids up as you can charge for your time too.

6.Sell your own  digital products

digital products

You can sell  eBooks, printable, graphics, templates and podcasts are all examples of digital products .That can help you earn a passive and ongoing income from your site.
You could charge around £2.99 for a 5,000 word eBook.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple in reality.

No , you have to create good products that are well made and polished requires a ton of time and design, content or many more. But once you make it, there’s no middle-man or person in between you and the buyer that’s taking a ‘cut’ from the money earned.

7.Accept Donations From Visitors

What will you do ?

If you don’t have a lot of monthly visitors but you will make a strong engaged community ?

Simply ask your readers to donate ! add a simple PayPal donation button on your website and ask readers to donate if they like your content.

As you know, some of the biggest websites out there run either partly solely on donations Wikipedia.

Ultimately, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

8.Create an Amazon store page

amazon (make money with website)

On Amazon you can sells everything you could ever want. So that, no matter what your website is about, there is a possibility to sell relevant products on Amazon.

You can setup easily a separate Amazon store page to your website, and if people see you as an authority on your Amazon product, they’ll trust recommendations .

Amazon has its own affiliate program and you’ll earn anything from 1% – 10% commission on product sales if one of your readers buys something through your link.

9.Create video content on YouTube

One of the best ways to keep visitors entertained creating video content for your website will not only help you, it could earn you money too.

You can monetize video content by uploading it to your YouTube channel and setting up Google Ad sense ( Google will pay you per click base). Many ways to earn money on our guide to  monetize YouTube channels.

Once you’ve created your video content,

You can embed your YouTube videos onto your Blog and create your video contents. If your video gets a decent audience , you can earn hundreds in  ad revenue.

10.Become a consultant

If you are an expert in any field, then why not share your knowledge in return for  hourly or per day consultancy free?

You can advertise via your website and deliver your expertise and make money through webinars and podcasts, or even live online sessions where visitors pay upfront to benefit from your knowledge.

Whatever channel you choose, if people come to your website for your expert explanations and opinions, you should definitely consider charging for some tailored advice

11.Flipping Website

Normally Flipping is buying or making a product, repairing or replenishing it and re-selling it at a higher price. We can also apply the same process to any website because here our product is a website. We will check step by step the process to buy a website, increase its value and sell to a higher bidder. 

What is website Flipping Buying ?

Sometimes an existing website dormant for whatever reasons, improving the overall aspects of the website,  re-design or publish new posts and optimizing the website for search engines and improving the traffic on the websites. After improving traffic and sales begin . We sell this website at a much higher price when we buy it. That way flipping basically works.

You need not have to be a hardcore techie or need coding knowledge to achieve this task. Anyone with basic skills to write and optimize can easily do this.


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